I would be a liar if I told you that I don't feel pressure to compete, compare myself to other artist's or feel the weight that social media can put on us to feel like we are never doing enough, skinny enough, pretty enough, traveling enough...yadda yadda yadda. I'm also bored of this way of thinking, aren't you? It is not productive and it doesn't make us feel good at all. I want my social media usage to be a place to connect, uplift and encourage others.
I came across a passage in a book I am reading, called Ask and It is Given. Read this one-it's what Oprah keeps on her night stand! This is the most profound thing I have read recently, and when I am in a good place this is usually how I perceive the world:
"Each point of view matters; every request is granted; and as this amazing Universe unerringly expands, there is no end to the Universal resources that fulfill these requests. And there is no end to the answers to the never-ending stream of questions-and for that reason, there is no competition.
It is not possible for someone else to receive the resources that were meant for you, and you cannot selfishly squander resources that were intended for someone else. All desires are answered; all requests are granted, and no one is left unanswered, unloved, or unfulfilled. Somebody else does not have to lose for you to win. There is always enough."
YASSSS! I actually have been writing on my calendar the last few months at the top, "THERE IS ABUNDANCE". As a reminder, that I know when I look at the world with a positive mind set, and from a place of abundance and not from a place of scarcity I receive the things I dream about. I am a better artist and human when I focus on my world, and what I am best at. We all have different gifts, talents and perspectives that the world needs. How boring would it be if we only saw one artist's work, or one singers album? We need everyone to share their gifts and talents. And do it from a place, of knowing there is abundance.
This year my work has been all about focusing on my strengths, good energy and knowing that I cannot take someones' place and they cannot take mine. I have had a few tests on that front, where I actually have told clients or people interested in working with me that I might not be the right fit and send them other illustrators contacts. And when I do that, I feel like I'm practicing what I preach. It is hard, but I challenge you to try to see the world from this point of view and I know that your dreams can transpire too. I will share more stories soon, of exciting things that have transpired in my life when I stick with this positive point of view.