I’m keeping this post short and simple. I always always recommend these books to those who need to jump start their creativity energy, unblock any negative feelings or limited self beliefs, just need some good juju!
I start everyday with 20 minutes of reading and about 15 minutes of journaling. This allows me to feel really safe, good energy before moving onto my day. This habit started when I began reading my #1 recommended book, The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. Cameron encourages her readers to start everyday with 3 pages of writing. And anytime I am feeling anxious, or overwhelmed-the morning pages really help calm me down and I can find my inner focus again. So with that said, here are 5 amazing books that all have profound effects on my well being and creativity:
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. GET IT NOW.
Ask and It is Given by Esther & Jerry Hicks. This one blew my mind. Also, it’s a book Oprah keeps on her nightstand. Need I say more??
You are a Badass by Jen Sincero. This is a great book for today’s modern gal. It hammers into you that when you LOVE yourself, you will change your life and what you get out of it.
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho-okay I just started reading this one and I’m not even finished and I’m already recommended it. haha. It’s a classic, and I think after reading just a few pages I know why it’s a mainstay in a lot of book lists and collections. Already it’s mantra “when you desire something the universe conspires to bring that to you” is SO SO amazing to me to really think about.
Braving the Wilderness by Brené Brown. I spent most of this year reading all of Brown’s books. This last one, her most recent book, is very heavy. It’s hard to get through quickly but it’s so vital I think in facing our darkest demons and those really tough issues we are facing in society and also within our deepest selves. I think she really tries to teach us to think more empathetically, which is what I am working hard on all year. Such an amazing read.
Let me know what books are on your Top 5 List! I always need new ones. Enjoy and go read something that empowers and uplifts you today!!!